Sunday, November 29, 2009

Back at it!

My friends, I took a break from blogging. I probably should have told you before I took the break rather than after. Please forgive me. :)

But now I'm back at it, though with a different purpose. Absurdly Happy in Constant Trouble was a place for me to express my thoughts and opinions and to get feedback from you. Are my ideas good or not? Are they interesting or not? And as a Christian, are my ideas honoring to God or not? It was a rich experience, and I'm thankful for each person who has read or commented on AHCT up to this point.

However, there have been a couple of developments in my life that have changed the trajectory of AHCT. First, I am now a full time business student, which has made my schedule both more full and more flexible, and which has provided me with a live platform to test my thoughts and theories. It's true, business students aren't as interested in Facebook or Quarterlife Crises as I am, but they have good thoughts on politics and the economy. I'm learning a ton, but unfortunately I don't have the brain space to concoct the same kind of interesting posts for AHCT.

Second, my writing has taken a different direction, largely because of this blog. After writing and talking about quarterlife issues for a couple of months, I realized that there is a huge need for information (or maybe just artistic expression) about life after college. I've decided to focus on this topic and take my writing offline, for the time being. I'm not sure what will come of it, but I hope I can produce something useful. But I am still open and eager to engage with any of you who have thoughts, questions or opinions on the Quarterlife Crisis.

But the point of this post is that I'm going to begin blogging again. The posts may be shorter and more focused on quarterlife or business school issues, but they will keep coming.

Thanks for reading. God bless you.


Anonymous said...

Hi David. Welcome back!


Latino Gamer said...

Good luck with everything, David.